Monday, July 15, 2013

I am finally back.

Sorry I have been not posting.  Went on a trip to Cincinnati to visit friends and family over the July 4th. week and I have not been feeling well since returning last Sunday.  Today is the first day I felt like doing anything.  Hope you had a wonderful holiday. Our was very wet but we still enjoyed each others company.

Now, to let you all know what is coming up.  The CTMH  Fall/ Winter Idea Book goes live on August 1st.  I gave you all a glimpse of some of the exciting things that CTMH is coming up with.  I encourage you all to take a look at the new book.  It is filled with amazing new product and ideas. As soon as I get my product in, I will have some samples to show you all.

You may access the current Idea Book now on my CTMH website at:

The new Idea Book will be available there as well to vire beginning August1, 2013.